MC3216 3-Axis Accelerometer Preliminary DatasheetmCube Proprietary. APS-048-
0030v1.3 1 / 47? 2014 mCube Inc. All rights reserved.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MC3216 is a low-noise, integrateddigital output 3-axis accelerometer with afeature set optimized for cell phones andconsumer product motion sensing.Applications include user interface control,gaming motion input, electronic compass tiltcompensation for cell phones, gamecontrollers, remote controls and portablemedia products.Low noise and low power are inherent inthe monolithic fabrication approach, wherethe MEMS accelerometer is integrated in asingle-chip with the electronics integratedcircuit.In the MC3216 the internal sample rate canbe set from 0.25 to 256 samples / second.Specific tap or sample acquisitionconditions can trigger an interrupt to aremote MCU. Alternatively, the devicesupports the reading of sample and eventstatus via polling.FEATURESRange, Sampling & Power? ±2,4,8,12 or ±16g ranges? 8, 10 or 14-bit resolution? 0.25 - 256 samples/sec? 50 - 130 μA typical currentEvent Detection? Low-noise architecture minimizesfalse triggering? Independent X,Y,Z TapSimple System Integration? I2C interface, up to 400 kHz? 3 × 3 × 0.92 mm 10-pin packageo Pin-compatible to FreescaleMMA7660? Single-chip 3D silicon MEMS? <200μg / √Hz noise